Friday 27 February 2015

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Slim jeans biography

Jean (Slutsky) Nidetch was born on October 12, 1927 in Brooklyn, New York. Her father, David Slutsky, was a cab driver and her mother, Mae (Rodin) Slutsky, was a manicurist. Nidetch graduated from Girls High School in Brooklyn and received a partial scholarship to Long Island University. However, she could not accept the scholarship because the family did not have the rest of the money for tuition. Instead, Nidetch took a business administration course at City College of New York. She had only just begun college when her father died in February of 1942.
Due to this unfortunate turn of events, Nidetch had to quit school and get a full-time job. Her first job was with the Mullin Furniture Company in Jamaica, New York, where she earned ten dollars a week. She later worked for Man O'War Publishing Company producing tip sheets for horse players. This job soon ended because of New York City Mayor Fiorello La Guardia's campaign against horse racing. Nidetch then found a job at the Internal Revenue Service.
While working at the IRS, Nidetch began dating a young man from the neighborhood named Marty Nidetch. The couple dated for two years and then married on April 20, 1947. Marty was employed as a blouse salesman and soon after their marriage he transferred to Tulsa, Oklahoma to work as a credit manager. They stayed there for less than a year when Marty was promoted to manager of a store in Warren, Pennsylvania. At first Nidetch helped her husband at his new store. Then she found her own job in the payroll department at Sylvania Electric. In her autobiography, The Story of Weight Watchers, Nidetch described herself at this point in her life as an overweight woman, married to an overweight husband, surrounded by overweight friends. While living in Warren, Nidetch gave birth to their first child, who did not survive infancy. In 1952 she had her second child, David. In February of the same year the family decided to move back to New York to be closer to their families. Marty became a bus driver to support his family. In 1956 the couple welcomed their second son, Richard. During this period, Nidetch was a homemaker, but she devoted much of her time to various organizations and charities. These activities helped her develop her personal and communication skills, which would later benefit her as a spokes-person for Weight Watchers.Nidetch had been overweight most of her childhood and adult life. She had tried various diets, doctors, and medications to lose weight, but none were successful over the long run. In 1961 Nidetch described herself as "desperate" in her struggle to lose weight, so she went to the New York City Department of Health Obesity Clinic. There she was given a strict diet to follow. While she had some success with the diet, she found herself still cheating and eating foods that she was not allowed to have. Nidetch did not feel comfortable discussing her misbehaviors with the woman who ran the clinic because she had never been overweight and could not truly understand why someone on a diet would cheat. Instead Nidetch decided to invite six overweight friends to her house to share the new diet and her secrets. The original group of six agreed to try the diet and meet weekly to talk about their successes and struggles. From the first meeting, Nidetch suggested that the other women consult their doctors before starting the diet. This rule stayed with Nidetch throughout the development of Weight Watchers. Since she was not a trained dietician, Nidetch did not want to be responsible for other people's health decisions.
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